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Little Fresh Pond Association, Inc. is a recognized 501(c)(3).

Little Fresh Pond Assoc., Inc.

P.O. Box 936

Southampton, NY 11969​​


President:​ Foster Maer

Vice President: Jim Silber

Secretary: Barbara Marsh

Treasurer:​​ Jo Viola

Contact Us

About Us

The Little Fresh Pond Association has been in existence for generations. Our mission is to preserve the health of Little Fresh Pond through evidence-based knowledge and careful oversight.

Formed in 1986 by long-time residents who lived beside the Pond, the Association now includes many people who live, visit and enjoy Little Fresh Pond. The mission is still the same. The original founding members took great care and agreed to never use toxins which could harm the delicate ecosystem. This agreement is still honored today.

Conservation begins with prevention. The Little Fresh Pond Association is committed to supporting the adoption of discharge limits and numerical measures in keeping with those of the federal Environmental Protection Agency.

What we do

The Association collects water from different locations and depths on the Pond. These samples are sent for analysis. It is through this consistent monitoring that the Pond's health is determined.

The DEC has classified Little Fresh Pond as "threatened" and placed it on the "priority waterbodies" list. Little Fresh Pond Association will continue to monitor the situation and work with local government for solutions.

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